Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 08.18.2005
This edition of Boots on the Ground features the 129th Postal Company (Fort Bragg, NC) handling incoming and outgoing mail at Camp Victory. Soundbites from Specialist Tony Blevins, Postal Clerk (hometown: Tulsa, OK) and Sergeant Curtis Wisher, Non-Commisioned Officer in Charge (hometown: Dover, DE). Produced by Staff Sergeant Angele Ringo, Multinational Corps-Iraq Public Affairs Office....
Courtesy Audio | 448th Civil Affairs Battalion | 08.18.2005
Soldiers from the 1-9 Field Artillery work on one of Baghdad's main roads to clear debris that can hide improvised explosive devices, talk to locals, and give aid to Iraqi's that survived a car bomb as a part of Operation Double Steal. Sound bites from Major Jay Sawyer, 1-9 Field Artillery Operations Officer, Major Criss Dizick, 1-9 Field Artillery Civil Affairs, Specialist Victoria Elrodi,......
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 08.16.2005
This edition of Boots on the Ground features Specialist Lovell Simmons (Goodwater, AL), Medical Specialist, 128th Medical Company, 44th Medical Command, Alabama National Guard, treating wounded local citizens at a clinic located southeast of Convoy Support Center in Scania. Soundbites from Specialist Simmons. Produced by Sergeant Casey Nelsen, Multi National Corps Iraq Public Affairs Office. ...
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 08.16.2005
This edition of the Iron Review features stories about a Soldier from 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division becoming a U.S. citizen, Soldiers of 1-13 Armored Regiment finding anti-Iraqi forces activities, searching houses and finding weapons and ammunitions. Produced by Specialist Michael Leslie, 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division. ...
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 08.05.2005
On This Edition of Boots on the Ground we look at the Iraqi Army Leadership Training Course at Baghdad's Camp Justice, which is on its fifth cycle of students. Iraqi students in the course receive daily threats against themselves and their famalies, but continue with the class. Produced by Army Staff Sgt. Angele Ringo...
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 08.03.2005
Radio package about Soldiers of 1-9 Field Artillery distributing shoes and toys to children in East Baghdad. Sound bites from Captain Charles Price, F Company Commander, 1-9 Field Artillery and Staff Sergeant Guillermo Blanco, F Company, 1-9 Field Artillery, Platoon Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge. Produced by Specialist Adam Musil, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Divison Public Affairs. ...
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 08.03.2005
This edition of the Iron Review features stories about Soldiers of 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division and Iraqi Government Officials starting the process to build up a city north of Baghdad, Soldiers of 4-1 Field Artillery Regiment finding and securing an improvised explosive device and the man with the remote detinator, and 1-118th Field Artillery Regiment discovering an ammunitions cache. ......
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 08.01.2005
Radio package about Soldiers of 1-9 Field Artillery find suspects involved in improvised explosive device attack. Soundbite from Specialist Chad Belew, Bravo Company, 2-3 Brigade Troop Battalion. Video from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs. ...