Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 07.18.2005
The 2nd Brigade Combat Team ensures SADR City neighborhoods have running water. They visit several construction sites and sewer plants to track progress being made in the city. Soundbites from Lieutenant Colonel Jaime Gayton (hometown: Washington, NY and Ft. Stewart, GA) Commander, 2-3 BTB. Produced by Sergeant Jose Colon, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 07.16.2005
This edition of the Freedom Report features stories on a temporary medical clinic in Hateen and Operation Give the Bird. Produced by Specialist Patrick Heney, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 07.16.2005
The Iraqi Army graduates its first all-female Basic Training Class. Soundbites from Brigadier General John Basilica (hometown: Baton Rouge, LA), Commanding General of 256th Brigade Combat Team. Produced by Specialist Patrick Heney, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 07.16.2005
400-500 frozen chickens were delivered to local nationals in Baghdad. The 2nd of the 130th headed what they call Operation Give the Bird. Soundbites from Captain Christopher Henkell (hometown: Decatur, Illinois), Commander, 2-130th Infantry, 256th Brigade. Produced by Sergeant Jose Colon, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 07.16.2005
Soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division's 92nd Engineer Battalion are turning an underground parking garage into barracks for the Iraqi Army. The barracks will house approximately 800 Iraqi Army Soldiers. The 92nd ENG Battaltion has spent the past 2.5 weeks working on the project and hope to have the project wrapped up sometime within the next 2 weeks. Soundbite from Lieutenant Colonel Keith......
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 07.14.2005
In this edition of the Freedom Report 2nd BCT conducts Operation Dry Sweep and clears support zone for insurgents and civilian fire fighters from all over the United States to join WSI fire department in Abu Gharib. Produced by Specialist Patrick Heney, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 07.12.2005
Feature story on Private David Ellsworth (hometown: Doniphan, MO), a mechanic with Headquarters and Headquarters Service Company maintenance section. Produced by Specialist Patrick Heney, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 07.12.2005
This edition of Boots on the Ground features dog handler who talks about canine force protection at a Camp Victory Gate. Soundbite from Staff Sergeant Casey Stevens. Produced by Staff Sgt. Angele Ringo....