Audio by Airman 1st Class Garrett Hess | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 08.20.2021
Today's Story: Humanitarian Efforts in Haiti
Audio by Thomas Reust | Fort Riley Public Affairs Office | 08.20.2021
Mr. Depusoir gives us some insight into the Financial Services ACS offers to the community.
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Adam Ross | 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 08.20.2021
Do you know how to read an LES? Have you ever set up a real budget for your finances? August is Financial Readiness Month, and we're talking with Cpt. Courtney Hull of 176th Financial Management Support Unit, and Ms. Lana Edwards, the Area IV Financial Readiness Program Manager, so they can answer all questions about finance. During our conversation, we talk about how Ms. Edwards' office can......
Audio by Pfc. Karri Wheeler | AFN Humphreys | 08.19.2021
PFC Karri Wheeler hosts this newscast about Anti-Terrorism Month and Child and Youth events.
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Shelby Hawkins | AFN Misawa | 08.19.2021
Listen in for how to apply for jobs at the BX.