Audio by Senior Airman Kahdija Slaughter | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 07.06.2021
Today’s Story: Fitness Assessment Updates
Audio by Staff Sgt. Justin Kuhl | AFN Humphreys | 07.05.2021
Johnson and Johnson COVID Vaccine Restart
Audio by Samantha Mathison | 960th Cyberspace Wing | 07.04.2021
Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Howard, 960th Cyberspace Wing acting command chief and 960th Cyberspace Operations Group superintendent, talks about the Airmen and culture within the 53rd Network Operations Squadron, June 10, 2021, with Lt. Col. Justin Kunath, 53rd NOS commander, and Senior Master Sgt. Thomas Cougill, 53rd NOS operations superintendent, at Joint Base San Antonio-Chapman Training......
Audio by Maj. Caleb Eames | 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade | 07.02.2021
The first 3D MEB podcast focused on introducing the 3D MEB resiliency, readiness and relevancy to key audiences, including 3D MEB Marines, families, and stakeholders, and featured an interview with the 3D MEB Commanding General Brig. Gen Kyle Ellison. Recorded July 2, 2021 and hosted by Cpl. Cameron Carawan. VIRIN #: 210702-M-CE123-0001...
Audio by Master Sgt. Jessica Roles | 189th Airlift Wing | 07.02.2021
Episode two of our 189th Airlift Wing's new podcast, AR Minuteman Moment: an Airman's Podcast! In this episode we discuss leadership, mentorship and effective supervision. What does it take to be a successful supervisor? Our guests in this episode are three Chiefs with advice that might make the thought of becoming a supervisor or leader of people a little less stressful! Check it out!...
Audio by Capt. Billy Lacroix | 19th Public Affairs Detachment, 1st Infantry Division | 07.02.2021
Life as a Soldier podcast is hosted by the Senior Enlisted adviser (Demon 7) of the Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division who has discussions with soldiers from our organization about a particular topic or current events. Episode 6 focuses on the importance of Army traditions....
Audio by Airman Francesca Skridulis | 102nd Intelligence Wing | 07.02.2021
Chief Master Sgt. James Traficante, Command Chief of the 103rd Airlift Wing, Bradley Air National Guard Base in East Granby, Connecticut, and Airman 1st Class Joseph Chaves of the 102nd Communications Flight, shared valuable insight across the spectrum of the enlisted force on the subject of resilience, including how it has impacted their lives and careers, as well as some tips and......
Audio by Airman 1st Class Camerron Niewoehner | AFN Kaiserslautern | 07.01.2021
This is a :30 radio spot which aired on AFN Kaiserslautern to promote bringing the military community together for the Fourth of July....