Audio by Melissa Espinales | Air Force Wounded Warrior Program | 07.01.2021
On this month's Blue & Beyond podcast Coach Connie talks to Raina Stroman and Brittni Jennie who are both on Team Air Force and will be competing in Warrior Games this September....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anthony Rodeback | AFN Misawa | 07.01.2021
Colonel Friedel, 35th Fighter Wing Commander tells the Misawa Air Base community to continue following United States Forces Japan policy regarding mask wearing off base in this 30 second radio spot....
Audio by Cpl. Sierra Powell | AFN Daegu | 07.01.2021
A spot about the new uniforms being in stock at military clothing sales. Target audience: Area IV community.
Audio by Zachary Mott | 88th Readiness Division | 07.01.2021
Brigadier Gen. John C. Hafley, the deputy commanding general for operations, 88th RD, joins the podcast to discuss his background and his role as DCG-O and DCG-Mobilization....
Audio by Eliza Cantrell, Ganesa Robinson and Terry Ruggles | Fort Belvoir Public Affairs | 07.01.2021
Belvoir In the Know podcast with Fort Belvoir Industrial Hygienist Melvin Bolden who discusses his role, mold and other contaminant mitigation....
Audio by Master Sgt. Jessica Roles | 189th Airlift Wing | 07.01.2021
AR Minuteman Moment: an Airman's Podcast is a new podcast series dedicated to the Airmen and community the 189th Airlift Wing supports....
Audio by Zachary Lehr | Arkansas National Guard Public Affairs Office | 07.01.2021
In this episode of WeARtheGuard, we sit down with Col. Jon Stubbs, Commander of the 39th Infantry Brigade Combat team. Tune in over the Independence Day holiday as he talks about the challenges over the past 18 months, getting ready for the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC), our families and employers, the ACFT, being "fit to fight, ready to win", and his message to the Bowie......
Audio by Senior Airman Mikayla Daly | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 07.01.2021
Today's Story: A Focus On Travelers