Audio by Tisha Entwistle | Combined Arms Center-Training | 03.24.2021
Audition Template: 1 Mono Host track (with Speech Volume Leveler), 1 Mono Interview track (with Speech Volume Leveler), 1 Stereo Sound FX with effects, 1 Stereo Music Bed track. 44.1k, 16 bit, Stereo Master....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Garrett Hess | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.24.2021
Today's Story: Inspiring Deeper Conversations
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anthony Rodeback | AFN Misawa | 03.24.2021
This is a spot highlighting the innovation initiative for PACAF.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anthony Rodeback | AFN Misawa | 03.24.2021
This is a news report highlighting the innovation initiative for PACAF.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anthony Rodeback | AFN Misawa | 03.24.2021
The 35th Force Support Squadron's marketing office talks about the turkey bowl event available to the Misawa Air Base community....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anthony Rodeback | AFN Misawa | 03.24.2021
The 35th Force Support Squadron's marketing office talks about a local shrine and gelato tour available to the Misawa Air Base community....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anthony Rodeback | AFN Misawa | 03.24.2021
The 35th Force Support Squadron's marketing office talks about the pamper me bowling event available to the Misawa Air Base community....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Anthony Rodeback | AFN Misawa | 03.24.2021
The 35th Force Support Squadron's marketing office talks about calligraphy classes available to the Misawa Air Base community....