Audio by Russell Toof | Medical Readiness Command, Europe | 03.16.2021
Brig. Gen. Mark Thompson, commanding general for Regional Health Command Europe, provides an update on COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Courtney Chapa | Media Center - Japan | 03.16.2021
On this Pacific Pulse, the U.S. Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State visit Japan and Yokota supports exercise Airborne 21....
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 03.15.2021
Regaining the military advantage in the Indo-Pacific region requires renewed thinking about the US military footprint there, particularly the role of the US Army. The Army’s deterrence and partnering capabilities will be best utilized by engaging its long-range and precision-strike capabilities in a regional “Ring of Fires” concept and further enhanced as part of a broader revitalization......
Audio by Vincent White | Defense Health Agency | 03.15.2021
In this episode of CUBIST, Don, and Amanda discuss the article, “Self-Reported Concussion Symptomology during Deployment: Differences as a Function of Injury Mechanism and Low-Level Blast Exposure” published in the Journal of Neurotrauma in May of 2020. Article Citation: Belding, J. N., Fitzmaurice, S., Englert, R. M., Koenig, H. G., Thomsen, C. J., & Olaghere da Silva, L. U. (2020).......
Audio by Airman 1st Class Darren Workman | Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling | 03.15.2021
Master Sgt. Brooke Emery speaks to Master Sgt. Sean Christian and Master Sgt. Zachary Atkinson of Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) as they reflect on their time in service, discuss ARFS's long-standing partnership with Air Force Bands, and explore the challenges currently facing military recruiters. #AirForce #Recruiting #TheUnitedStatesAirForceBand...
Audio by Lance Cpl. Logan Beeney | AFN Okinawa | 03.15.2021
Senior Airman Sarah Jacinto, testing coordinator, and Staff Sergeant Madison Potter, NCOIC of central operations in the lab, explain to AFN the process of testing patients for COVID-19. Mark Mayer, site manager for Navy MWR, spoke with AFN about an outdoor recreational event service members can enjoy and still adhere to COVID-19 guidelines....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Shandresha Mitchell | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 03.15.2021
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Audio by Airman Francesca Skridulis | 102nd Intelligence Wing | 03.15.2021
On this episode Ms. Jill Garvin, Wing Director of Psychological Health, speaks with Ms. Sue Andersen about suicide loss and resources for grief management. Ms. Sue Andersen is the board president of the Samaritans and a certified yoga teacher. She hosts classes and workshops helping those who’ve experienced loss to 'Move Your Grief'. ------SCRIPT------ Jill:......