Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 06.03.2013
Preventing sexual assault is everyone’s responsibility. Army Sergeant Chris Garver has a story from Camp Casey.
Audio by Sgt. Dwayne Ellrich | 2nd Infantry Regiment | 06.03.2013
Audio letter from Vietnam.
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.03.2013
The General MacArthur Awards takes place at The Pentagon, the last Security Force Assistant Team site in Afghanistan, Honoring The Fallen in the month of June....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 06.03.2013
The Army Corps of Engineers prepares for hurricane season, Defense Secretary Hagel tours the Navy's first littoral combat ship and Pvt. Bradley Manning's court martial for leaking secrets begins....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Robert Wilson | | 06.03.2013
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel addressed the first plenary session of the IISS Asian Security Summit, also known as the Shangri-La Dialogues. Secretary Hagel spoke on the U.S. approach to regional security in the Asia-Pacific....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 06.02.2013
A public service announcement about conserving energy on military bases.
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 05.31.2013
Buses can usually hold more than fifty people. Army Sergeant Thanh Pham takes us to an event at Yongcheon Stadium, near Camp Casey, that drew in so many competitors that the bus couldn't fit them all. Army Sergeant Thanh Pham, Yongcheon Stadium, Korea....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 05.31.2013
Service members and civilians from all over Okinawa go to Risner Fitness Center to see if their hard work and dedication has paid off. Marine Corporal Michael Marshall shows us just how unwavering the competition is. Includes sound bites from Dajon Snead – Competitor, Darius Sterling – 3rd place winner and Justin Lassiter – Competitor....