Audio by Sgt. Ned Johnson and 1st Lt. Spencer Kenyon | I Marine Expeditionary Force | 05.23.2013
Cpl. Luke Frank talks to a KCDZ reporter about joining the Marines, why he loves his job as an administrator for RCT7.
Audio by Lt. Col. David Deppmeier | U.S. Army Chaplain Corps | 05.23.2013
Deputy Chief of Chaplains (BG) Ray Bailey hosted a question and answer teleconference session with LTC Chaplains on 16 May 2013....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Thomas "Kellen" Carr | AFN Afghanistan | 05.23.2013
LTC Lance Varney (Commander of 3-7 CAV) talks about the rich history and tradition of his squadron.
Audio by 1st Lt. Nicole Yuhas | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 05.23.2013
Marine LCpl. David Markey, talks to a Radio Lia reporter in Seattle, Wash., about his duties and responsibilities while deployed to Afghanistan....
Audio by Senior Airman Stephanie Palmisano | AFN Afghanistan | 05.22.2013
The Configurable Small Maintenance and Repair Team Alpha travels to Khost Province, Afghanistan to repair a water pump on a FOB that has been without running water for over a week....
Audio by William Selby | DMA Social Media | 05.22.2013
A DoDLive Bloggers Roundtable was held Wednesday, May 22, to discuss resources available to help members and their families enjoy the summer months despite financial constraints. Guests to the roundtable were Carol Potter, senior program analyst for Morale Welfare and Recreation Policy, and Eddy Mentzer, policy and management Analyst in the Office of Family Policy. Both are from the Office of......
Audio by William Selby | DMA Social Media | 05.22.2013
Department of Defense Education Activity Director Marilee Fitzgerald participated in a DoDLive Bloggers Roundtable with bloggers and media Wednesday, May 22. During the call, Fitzgerald discussed a number of topics including the impacts of furlough on DODEA....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Xaime Hernandez | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 05.22.2013
Oklahoma National Guard provides security and search and rescue to the residents of Moore, OK in the aftermath of tornado...