Audio by Capt. Tanya Roman | 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | 05.09.2013
Sgt. Ryan Scott, Birmingham, Ala., talks to a Crawford Broadcasting reporter about his duties in Kuwait as an intelligence analyst....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific | 05.09.2013
Gazette Magazine interviews Col. Grant Newsham, Marine Forces Pacific Liaison to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, about amphibious operations in the Pacific Rim....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Roman Yurek | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 05.09.2013
Staff Sgt. Michael L. Wilfong, from Winchester, Idaho, talks to a WTKF-FM reporter, in Morehead City, N.C., about his current duties as the avionics staff sergeant in charge of maintaining the electronics systems in Harrier jets with Marine Attack Squadron 231 (VMA-231) at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point and his previous duties....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Heidi Agostini | Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment | 05.09.2013
Sgt. Brian McPherson, from Nashport, Ohio, currently at the Warrior Games in Colorado Springs, Colo., talks to a Zanesville Times Recorder Website reporter, in Zanesville, Ohio, about his injuries sustained in multiple deployments to Iraq and why he is participating in the Warrior Games....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Thomas "Kellen" Carr | AFN Afghanistan | 05.09.2013
Service members from 3-7 Cavalry's Bone Troop (Combat Outpost Khilagay) escort a team of civil affairs engineers to villages in Baghlan Province to check their water quality and structures of a medical facility and school being built. Bone Troop provides a mode of transportation, as well as security, for civil affairs on the routine missions. The interviews include two U.S. Army soldiers and......
Audio by Sgt. Rebekka Heite | Marine Corps Base Quantico | 05.08.2013
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Micheal P. Barrett's speech during The Sgt. Walter K. Singleton Distinguished Lecture Series at Ellis Hall, Marine Corps University, Marine Corps Base Quantico on May 8, 2013....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Timothy Kirchner | 7th Bomb Wing | 05.08.2013
Dyess Air Force Base does renovations to their jet engine test calls. A1C Timothy with the report.
Audio by Aquita Brown | Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment | 05.08.2013
Sgt. Anthony McDaniel, Jr., talks to a Mississippi Press reporter about participating in the 2013 Warrior Games.