Audio by Aquita Brown | Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment | 05.08.2013
Lance Cpl. Jablon, Mankato, Minn., talks to a Mankato Free Press reporter about joining the Marine Corps, growing up in Mankato, his training as a mechanic, working convoy security in Iraq, his treatment for the injuries he sustained after a IED blast and joining the Warrior Games....
Audio by Sgt. Ricardo Gallardo | 12th Public Affairs Detachment | 05.07.2013
Soldiers of the 1-35th Armor Regiment test the Joint Command Battle Platform at NIE 13.2
Audio by William Selby | DMA Social Media | 05.07.2013
On May 7, 2013, in observance of Physical Fitness month, DoDLive hosted the Health Promotion and Wellness Campaign’s Active Living Bloggers Roundtable featuring two prominent military health representatives and a discussion of the importance of active living for sailors and Marines. The Roundtable highlighted two fitness resources designed to help maintain operational readiness: the Navy......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mark Shrewsbury | 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 11th Airborne Division Public Affairs | 05.07.2013
1st. Lt. Aaron Demro from Plymouth, Minn. with Apache Company, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry talks to a Plymouth Sun Sailor reporter about his military career and acheiving his EIB or Expert Infantry Badge....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Robert Wilson | | 05.07.2013
Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter will make remarks about the strategic and budgetary challenges facing the Defense Department....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Xaime Hernandez | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 05.07.2013
Chief of staff of the Army holds a town hall meeting in Wiesbaden, Germany. The 25th Infantry Division officially activates the Lightening Academy on Schofield Barracks, Hawaii....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 05.07.2013
The Air Force, Navy and Marines tell Congress about the impact of budget cuts, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel promises swift, decisive action on misconduct allegations against an Air Force officer and DoD keeps an eye on China's growing military capabilities....
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Ross Ruddell | U.S. Coast Guard District 1 | 05.07.2013
The Coast Guard is requesting the help of the public to identify a man who made a distress call near Blue Hill Bay, Maine, May 7, 2013. The man relayed a position but did not identify himself or the vessel....