Audio by Sgt. Rachel Badgeley | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 12.06.2012
20th Anniversary of "Wreaths Across America" annual "Escort to Arlington," A soldiers daughter carries on her fathers legacy in Afghanistan, Army cadet expresses her excitement to cheer for this years Army/Navy game....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters | 12.05.2012
Coast Guard Sector Anchorage members discuss their experience building homes in the area for Habitat for Humanity from the build site in Anchorage, Alaska, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012. Deck Watch is a five minute weekly radio program covering Coast Guard news and operations in Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard audio by 17th District public affairs....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 12.05.2012
Updated: Soldiers Radio News for Dec 5. Dr. Westphal talks about Afghanistan. Pearl Harbour, remembered.
Audio by Sgt. John Jackson | Regional Command Southwest | 12.05.2012
Marine Cpl. Zachary Eaton from Concord, NH., talks with a Concord Patch reporter about his duties and responsibilities while deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan....
Audio by Sgt. Michael Cifuentes | 1st Marine Division | 12.05.2012
Maj. Gen. Ronald Bailey, commanding officer, 1st Marine Division, talks to Leatherneck Magazine about Operation Steel Knight....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 12.05.2012
The Coast Guard assists with a chemical spill response in New Jersey, Secretary Panetta thanks wounded warriors for service and sacrifice and Navy dolphins lose their jobs to robots....
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 11th Airborne Division Public Affairs | 12.05.2012
Winn Mete talks about the changes of leadership in the Spartan Brigade in today's episode of Base Alpha Kilo Radio.
Audio by 1st Lt. Tyler Morrison | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 12.05.2012
Sgt. Constantine Smith II talks to a Radio Lia reporter, in Seattle, Wash., about his duties as a communicator working in radio and data networks and his current deployment to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan....