Audio by Cpl. Tia Nagle | AFN Afghanistan | 03.20.2012
From the Civil War to Operation Enduring Freedom the Army’s 1st Cavalry Division Band has a long history supporting deployed service members. Marine Cpl. Tia Nagle shows us how the unit went out with a bang on Bagram Air Field. Includes soundbites from Sgt. Elliot Chodkowski, 1st Cavalry Division band....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Xaime Hernandez | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 03.19.2012
Army Sgt. Emily Yaborough talks about the process of being selected for the Cultural Support Team.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Anderson | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 03.19.2012
Surgeon general, Lt. Gen. Patrica Horoho, has a special message about tramatic brain injury and Corps of Engineers is opening a new lab in April....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Tiffany Carter | Marine Corps Air Station Miramar | 03.19.2012
Marine Cpl. Brandon Frank, from Derby, Kan., talks to a Yuma Sun reporter, in Yuma, Ariz., about why he joined the Marine Corps and his duties as an avionics electronics technician....
Courtesy Audio | Communication Directorate | 03.17.2012
Category D 31st MEU conducts mock helicopter raid to eliminate insurgents 120317 Sgt. Paul Robbins Jr., USMC, Public Affairs Chief,, DSN 623 7198, Col. John Merna The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, Unit 35621, FPO AP, 96606-5621...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Joseph Vigil | AFN Naples | 03.17.2012
Naples MWR looks to bring more of a challenge to the community this year. Air Force Sgt. Joseph Vigil shows us how one event hit their target....
Audio by Sgt. Paul Robbins | 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit | 03.17.2012
Marines and sailors with Company A, Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, conduct a benign landing under the cover of darkness to eliminate mock insurgents during the final event of the unit’s certification exercise. Marine role players serve as enemy combatants while Japanese civilians portray local police, citizens and media....
Audio by Julia Conner | Fort Cavazos Public Affairs Office | 03.17.2012
Family Resilience Academy is adding evening classes Army Emergency Relief begins its fundraising campaign a reminder for soldiers to take the post deployment health re-assessment....