Audio by Cpl. Kevin Maynard | AFN Afghanistan | 11.15.2011
In remote locations around Afghanistan stimulating local economy and connecting the population with the government is no easy task. Marine Cpl. Kevin Maynard takes us to Shinkai District where a provincial reconstruction team makes it happen....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Chad Usher | AFN Afghanistan | 11.15.2011
As security is passed to the Afghans, medical knowledge is also passed so they can take care of their own in combat. Air Force Staff Sgt. Chad Usher was with a unit teaching the life-saving skills. Sound bites from Staff Sgt. Joshua Carrasco, U.S. Army Medical Training NCO and Sgt. Habib Ula, ANA, Medic. Available in high definition....
Courtesy Audio | NASA | 11.14.2011
The Apollo Soyuz Test Program (ASTP). Digitized, cataloged and archived by the Houston Audio Control Room, at the NASA Johnson Space Center. NASA Identifier: ApolloSoyuzTestProgramastpAudio...
Audio by Cpl. Clayton Rogers | Communication Directorate | 11.14.2011
Category C, Globetrotters, Nov 2011, GySgt Troy Ruby, USMC, Detachment Chief,, 315-253-5661, AFN Iwakuni PSC 561 Box 469 FPO AP 96310...
Courtesy Audio | National Guard Bureau | 11.14.2011
Sgt. Uliss Ayala gives a greeting in Spanish.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Erick Holmes | AFN Afghanistan | 11.14.2011
Resupplying troops in a forward deployed location in Afghanistan could be easier with alternative methods. Petty Officer Erick Holmes tells us what the Rapid Equipping Force is studying. Sound bites from Hon. Katherine Hammack, Assistant Security of the Army for Installations, Energy, Environment. Sgt. Maj. Matt DeLay, NCOIC RFAS-C and Gunnery Sgt. Jonathan Wetzold, Personal Security......
Courtesy Audio | National Guard Bureau | 11.12.2011
Staff Sgt. Matthew Ahlm gives a greeting.
Courtesy Audio | National Guard Bureau | 11.12.2011
Spc. LaMoine gives a greeting.