Audio by Staff Sgt. Danielle Washington | AFN Afghanistan | 11.10.2011
236 years ago the Continental Congress drafted a resolution to raise two battalions of the Continental Marines, calling those Corpsmen to fight for their country. Army Staff Sergeant Danielle Washington attended the Marine birthday ceremony in Kabul Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 11.10.2011
President Obama commemorates Veterans Day.
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 11.10.2011
Capt. Eric Walraven from Midland, Texas with the Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 363 talks to Midland Reporter-Telegram reporter about what his life has been like being a Marine and what it is like to be deployed to Afghanistan....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Jason David | AFN Afghanistan | 11.10.2011
Today for Canadians is similar to our Memorial Day. Canadian Remembrance Day is a time where Canadians commemorate the sacrifices of people in all armed conflicts. Tech Sgt. Jason David reports from Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan and gives us insight as to how important this day is to Canadians stationed in Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 11.09.2011
KODIAK, Alaska - Communications Station Kodiak receives a radio call from the 146-foot fishing vessel Rebecca Irene requesting assistance due to an engine casualty while underway in the Bering Sea Nov. 8, 2011. The Coast Guard Cutter Sherman responded to the call and escorted the vessel until it could be taken in tow by a commercial tug to be taken to Dutch Harbor. U.S. Coast Guard audio by......
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 7 | 11.09.2011
MIAMI - Capt. Chris Scraba, commander of Coast Guard Sector Miami, discusses a sinking barge off Miami Beach, Fla., Nov. 9, 2011. The 270-foot barge began taking on water shortly after the 94-foot tug that was towing it became disabled and adrift. U.S. Coast Guard audio....
Audio by Sgt. Ray Lewis | 8th Marine Corps District | 11.09.2011
SGT. Raymond Lewis from Oceanside, CA., talks with a Unknown Soldiers Blog reporter about his duties and responsibilities, Betty White, Linda Hamilton, the Marine Corps Ball, why he joined the Marines, Iraq and Afghanistan....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christopher Flurry | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 11.09.2011
LCpl. Vincent Maxwell from Levittown, PA., with 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing currently deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, talks with a Bucks County Courier Times reporter about his duties and responsibilities, why he joined the Marines, family and Veterans Day....