Audio by Sgt. Lisa Simunaci | 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 11.05.2011
Iraqi air force general thanks American service members for their support in Iraq.
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Simunaci | 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 11.05.2011
Maj. Gen. Tony Rock visits Ali Air Base before the handoff of six bases to the Iraqi air force.
Audio by Spc. David Marquis | 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 11.05.2011
The 305th runs a fuel farm in Iraq.
Courtesy Audio | 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 11.05.2011
Spc. Ayers sends a shout out to the Minnesota Vikings.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Danielle Washington | AFN Afghanistan | 11.05.2011
Civil engineers at Shindand make sure everyone has a place to eat, sleep work, and for pilots … land. Army Staff Sgt. Danielle Washington goes out on the flight line with Shindand’s engineers as they repair a runway destroyed by the rainy season....
Audio by Sgt. Christopher Bruce | 145th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 11.04.2011
Hundreds of volunteers and military personnel stood at the base of a new chapel at Camp Gruber to witness the new steeple be lifted and place on top of the building on Friday, November 4....
Audio by Sgt. Lawren Massey | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 11.04.2011
With the mission complete, Black Jack cavalry soldiers are riding out of Iraq proud of their accomplishments in time to meet transition deadlines....
Audio by Sgt. Lawren Massey | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 11.04.2011
Rapidly winding down its 4th deployment to Iraq, Black Jack troops of the 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, aggressively executed their mission tackling the unique challenges of Operation New Dawn....