Courtesy Audio | 1st Brigade, 11th Airborne Division | 11.04.2011
Radio show producer Winn Mete with Base A-K out of Homer, Alaska, interviews Lt. Col. Brian Payne, commander of the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment, who is currently deployed to the Dand district in southern Kandahar province, Afghanistan, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Brigade, 11th Airborne Division | 11.04.2011
This is a radio story produced by Winn Mete, Base A-K Radio Productions, featuring an interview with Lt. Col. Brian Payne, commander of the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment currently deployed to southern Kandahar province, Afghanistan. The story talks about the partnership between U.S. and Afghan forces in the Dand district of Kandahar. Payne's unit deployed from Fort Wainwright, Alaska,......
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Simunaci | 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 11.04.2011
1452nd Combat Heavy Equipment Transport Company out of Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, prepares a convoy at Contingency Operating Base Adder....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Joseph Vigil | AFN Naples | 11.04.2011
President Barack Obama visited with military members in Cannes, France, to thank them for their role in the successful completion of Operation Odyssey Dawn and Operation Unified Protector....
Audio by 2nd Lt. Chris Harper | I Marine Expeditionary Force | 11.04.2011
Cpl. David S. Cluver from Illinois talks to a Times-Republic Online reporter in Buckley, Ill., about his work with military working dogs in Afghanistan....
Audio by Julia Conner | Fort Cavazos Public Affairs Office | 11.04.2011
This weeks Spotlight features: The Phantom Thunder 5 Motorcycle Ride, III Corps and Fort Hood Command Sgt. Maj. Coleman talks about the BOSS Program, Central Texas Better Business Bureau reveals which industries received the most complaints and explains how soldiers can protect themselves....
Courtesy Audio | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 11.04.2011
Master Sgt. Linda Lucas talks to an WCBI-TV reporter about her time in the military, her responsibilities and her deployment to Afghanistan....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christopher Flurry | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 11.04.2011
Marine Staff Sergeant Christopher McGaugh from, Newnan, Ga., talks with a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter about his duties and responsibilities while deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, his deployments, why he joined the Marines, the Atlanta Falcons, the Georgia Bulldogs and sends a message to his family....