Courtesy Audio | 364th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 10.25.2011
Staff Sgt. Joshua Smith, an Army watercraft operator from Portland, Ore., talks to a KLTT-AM reporter, in Denver, Colo., about his duties as a boatswain aboard a landing craft, how his family military service history influence him to join the military and what inspires him in his military career....
Courtesy Audio | 379th Air Expeditionary Wing | 10.25.2011
Talks to the Captains America Radio show about his job as a Ground Safety Manager with the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing, what he misses the most, and his proudest moment in his career....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 10.25.2011
The Craig Joint Theater hospital at Bagram Airfield celebrated a new MRI machine with a ribbon cutting ceremony this week. This new addition to the hospital will make it easier for the staff to recognize early signs of Traumatic Brain Injury, or T-B-I and allows for better treatment for wounded warriors. It will also further the mission at Craig Joint Theater Hospital. Sound bite from Air......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Rebecca Goodwin | AFN Afghanistan | 10.25.2011
The Afghan National Youth Taekwondo Team held an exhibition at ISAF Headquarters to start off a program bringing awareness of youth sports to Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | | 10.24.2011
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta speaks to troops at a town hall meeting at Yokota AB, Japan.
Courtesy Audio | | 10.24.2011
An update from Brussels, Belgium as NATO spokesperson Oana Lungescu and Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard, commander of the military operation Unified Protector, give the latest details on operations in Libya....
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 10.24.2011
Chief Warrant Officer Charles Dine talks with an Yuma Sun reporter about his time in the military, his responsibilities and about his deployment to Afghanistan....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Erick Holmes | AFN Afghanistan | 10.24.2011
Since World War II, U.S. Navy Seabees have been a part of contingency operations, aiding missions with their construction and combat skills. Petty Officer Erick Holmes traveled with a crew of seabees who continue that tradition in Afghanistan. Sound bite from Petty Officer 2nd Class Ron Showers, FOB Shank Project Mission Commander. Hometown: Bay Area, San Francisco, Calif....