Audio by Staff Sgt. Danielle Washington | AFN Afghanistan | 10.31.2011
Firefighters have a mission in Shindand to protect everything on the ground, and any aircraft that flies in. Army Staff Sgt. Danielle Washington checks in on training with the Afghan military firefighters who are learning how important that mission is....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Brandon Shelander | AFN Afghanistan | 10.31.2011
A Taliban suicide bomber drove a vehicle laden with explosives into an armored NATO bus in Kabul, Saturday, killing 17 people including five International Security Assistance Force service members and eight ISAF civilian employees. It’s the deadliest attack on coalition forces in Kabul since the war began. Gen. John R. Allen, commander of ISAF, condemned the attacks, saying the enemies of......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Rebecca Goodwin | AFN Afghanistan | 10.31.2011
Fuel pumpers work hard during their deployment and have already pumped more than a million gallons.
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 1 | 10.30.2011
BOSTON - U.S. Coast Guard crews along the coast of New England, including HU-25 Falcon jet crews from Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod, broadcasted storm warnings to coastal and offshore mariners, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011. A Falcon jet crew broadcasted this warning and started what would turn out to be a rescue of two Canadian sailors after they lost their engine off Provincetown, Mass. U.S.......
Audio by Master Sgt. Kerry Jackson | 321st Air Expeditionary Wing | 10.29.2011
Maj. Gen. Anthony Rock talks to a Armed Forces Network reporter about the troop withdrawal in Iraq, ending the advise, train and assist efforts, handing over power to the Iraqi air force and the Iraqi air force's capabilities. Audio only....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Oscar Vasqueztorres | Communication Directorate | 10.28.2011
Category B, Skate Park Safety, Oct 2011, GySgt Troy Ruby, USMC, Detachment Chief,, 315-253-5661, AFN Iwakuni PSC 561 Box 469 FPO AP 96310...
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 10.28.2011
A ribbon cutting was held for the new Belvoir Community Hospital.The hospital was built as a result of the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure program....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 10.28.2011
Experts discuss what the Army will look like in 2020.