Courtesy Audio | 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 10.11.2011
Maj. Jack Gillentine, from Portland, Ore., talks to a Bend Radio reporter about what his unit's duties will be during their upcoming deployment to Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 10.11.2011
1st Sgt. Stemple, from Walla Walla, Wash., talks to a Bend Radio reporter about what his unit's duties will be during their upcoming deployment to Afghanistan....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Erick Holmes | AFN Afghanistan | 10.11.2011
Coalition forces in Afghanistan are helping turn over control to their government through Provincial Reconstruction Teams, who still play a strong role in many evolutions. Petty Officer Erick Holmes was with a PRT and tells their story. Sound bites from Commander Elizabeth Greenert, Executive Officer, PRT Khost, and Dr. Gul Ahmad Shah, Khost City Doctor...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christopher Flurry | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 10.10.2011
Senior Chief Petty Officer Nathan Whiddon talks to a WTKF-FM reporter, in Atlantic, N.C., about the various roles of sailors deployed to Afghanistan with the Marine Corps and Regional Command Southwest....
Audio by Sgt. Lawren Massey | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 10.09.2011
Package: Red Dragon soldiers of 3rd Battalion 82nd Field Artillery Regiment 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade 1st Cavalry Division work closely with their Iraqi partners at the Samarra Joint Coordination Center. Partnered with the ISF Red Dragon troops secure Contingency Operating Base Kaufman and the City of Samarra....
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Simunaci | 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 10.09.2011
The last military Provincial Reconstruction Team redeploys after the State Department assumes its mission.
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Simunaci | 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 10.09.2011
The U.S. Consulate in Basrah moves forward with its mission as military forces drawdown.
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Simunaci | 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 10.09.2011
Military Support Element revitalizes Trenchard Lines in Basrah, Iraq, to make way for U.S. State Department employees. Soundbites from Consul Gen. Piper Campbell and Col. Lavore Richmond....