Audio by Rick Haverinen | Joint Base Langley-Eustis | 08.10.2011
Rail soldiers from 757th Transportation (Railway) Battalion help U.S. Army Transportation Museum at Fort Eustis during July heat wave by laying a railway track spur and refurbishing flat bed rail cars. Produced by Rick Haverinen....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Korea | 08.10.2011
This edition features a stories about a Change of Responsibility ceremony produced by Katusa Cpl. Joon Sang Yoon and how Area One medics receive life saving training at Camp Casey produced by Army Sgt. Chris Garber. Hosted by Army Sgt. Andrew Brandstead....
Audio by Cpl. Kevin Maynard | AFN Afghanistan | 08.09.2011
Thousands of service members deployed to Afghanistan are in constant need of supplies and with hundreds of forward operating bases and combat outposts spread out over the country supply lines can be dangerous. Marine Cpl. Kevin Maynard tells us how one unit helps to bridge the gap between service members and their provisions....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Army Central | 08.09.2011
Third Army/ARCENT, commanding general, Lt. Gen. Vincent Brooks, encourages the educators of the Sumter School District to help shape the future for children through education....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Army Central | 08.09.2011
Third Army/ARCENT give to the children of Sumter, S.C. at a Back to School Bash. Patton's Own, meet, greet and passed out school supplies to parents and children....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | 08.09.2011
Paratroopers from Company B, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division recently trained on the virtual battlefield to prepare themselves for future exercises where they will coordinate the firing of live artillery rounds....
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 08.09.2011
Staff Sgt. Michael Fuqua talks to an Santa Rosa Press Gazette reporter about his duties and responsibilities in Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | 455th Air Expeditionary Wing | 08.09.2011
Lt. Col. Carlos Ayala talks to a Cosmetic Surgery Times reporter in Cleveland, Ohio about the work that he is doing in Afghanistan....