Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 08.09.2011
Staff Sgt. Michael Fuqua talks to an Santa Rosa Press Gazette reporter about his duties and responsibilities in Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | 455th Air Expeditionary Wing | 08.09.2011
Lt. Col. Carlos Ayala talks to a Cosmetic Surgery Times reporter in Cleveland, Ohio about the work that he is doing in Afghanistan....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mike Meares | 321st Air Expeditionary Wing | 08.09.2011
Tech Sgt. Dana Huffman from Columbia, S.C. with the 321st Air Expeditionary Wing talks to a WMGG-AM reporter in Tampa Bay, Fla. talks about her duties and responsibilities while deployed to Iraq....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Erick Holmes | AFN Afghanistan | 08.09.2011
A handful of American leaders have a rare chance to see where the rubber meets the road in Afghanistan and what its really like for the troops. Petty Officer Erick Holmes met up with some of those leaders and files this report. Includes sound bites from Gary Herbert, Utah Governor....
Courtesy Audio | | 08.08.2011
GEN Peter Chiarelli, vice chief of staff of the Army, speaks at the Warrior Transition Command's 2011 Warrior Care and Transition Program Annual Training Conference in Orlando, Florida....
Courtesy Audio | | 08.08.2011
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta presides over the U.S. Special Operations Command change of command ceremony at MacDill AFB, FL....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 08.08.2011
Whether it’s convoys, foot patrols or local traffic around Forward Operating Base Pasab, they are at risk from improvised explosive devices hidden in the ground. That’s where these soldiers come in - playing hide and seek with things that explode....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Korea | 08.08.2011
This edition features stories about how the Yongsan Veterinary Clinic holds abandoned animals in their stray animal facility due pet owners leaving their animals behind because of PCS season produced by Spc. Keith Burghardt and how the Commander of U.S. Naval Forces Korea commissioned a stone memorial produced by Spc. Tyler Farris. Hosted by Army Sgt. Andrew Brandstead....