Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 07.28.2011
The Afghan Hands program teaches key personnel Dari and Afghan culture. Staff Sgt. Rebecca Goodwin introduces us to one of the Afghan Hands in training right now....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 07.27.2011
Staff Sgt. Kyle Clark from 152 Aviation, deployed in Kandahar, Afghanistan, explains about being a flight medic.
Courtesy Audio | 109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 07.27.2011
Staff Sgt. John Puddy, a tanker with the 1st Squadron, 5th Cavalry Regiment, talks about how his unit keeps their M1A2 Abrams tanks mission ready....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 07.27.2011
Afghan farmers grow and raise food primarily for their own family units. Air Force Staff Sgt. Chad Usher learned how agriculture experts are teaching Afghans how to move towards mass production to feed the community. Soundbites include Phill Blake - USDA Agricultural Expert Lahgman province and Dr. Eric Grant - USDA Provincial Adviser for Lahgman province, FOB Mehtar Lam, Afghanistan.......
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 07.27.2011
Sgt. James Kemp talks to an WTKF-FM reporter about his duties and responsibilities during his deployment in Afghanistan
Audio by Sgt. Lawren Massey | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 07.26.2011
Darkhorse troops wrap up their mission at COB Cobra.
Audio by Sgt. Lawren Massey | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 07.26.2011
Darkhorse troops wrap up their mission at COB Cobra.
Courtesy Audio | 374th Airlift Wing | 07.26.2011
The Polynesian islands have a rich and diverse cultural heritage, each island with its own song and dance. Airman Ryan Lis talks to Mervyn Lilo, a member of Maohinui, who performs the songs and dance of the Polynesian islands to share their culture with the world....