Audio by Staff Sgt. Junius Stone | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | 02.09.2011
Afghan farmers modernize and mechanize with the help of USAID. U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Junius Stone explains how.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Roman Yurek | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 02.09.2011
Marine Capt. Joshua H. Weiland, from Park Falls, Wisc., talks to a WCQM-FM reporter in Park Falls, Wisc., about his military career history and his experiences when stationed in overseas bases....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jeremy Ross | Regional Command Southwest | 02.09.2011
Marine Staff Sgt. George Bryant talks to a CBS reporter in Boston, Mass., about his attempt to achieve the world record for the highest standing box jump, how he came to the decision to try for the record, his Marine career and using CrossFit to exercise instead of running....
Audio by Sgt. Sarah Goss | AFN Afghanistan | 02.09.2011
Rasmussen announces transition process in Afghanistan. SGT Sarah Goss reports.
Courtesy Audio | NASA | 02.08.2011
The First Seven Astronauts Press Conference. Event occurred on April 9, 1959. 491-AAF: 04/09/1959, Tape 1 of 2, First Seven Astronauts Introductory Press Conference 1/4" 2TRK 7" 492-AAF: 04/09/1959, Tape 2 of 2, First Seven Astronauts Introductory Press Conference 1/4" 2TRK 7" Digitized, cataloged and archived by the Houston Audio Control Room, at the NASA Johnson Space Center. NASA......
Courtesy Audio | NASA | 02.08.2011
The First Seven Astronauts Press Conference. Event occurred on April 9, 1959. 491-AAF: 04/09/1959, Tape 1 of 2, First Seven Astronauts Introductory Press Conference 1/4" 2TRK 7" 492-AAF: 04/09/1959, Tape 2 of 2, First Seven Astronauts Introductory Press Conference 1/4" 2TRK 7" Digitized, cataloged and archived by the Houston Audio Control Room, at the NASA Johnson Space Center. NASA......
Audio by Staff Sgt. James Zannetti | AFN Afghanistan | 02.08.2011
This edition features a story on coalition forces conducting route clearance patrols in the Nawa valley in Kunar province, Afghanistan as part of their mission to provide safety and security for the Afghan people by keeping the paths safe. Produced by Air Force Staff Sgt. James Zannetti. Includes soundbites from Capt. Bryce Higgins – commander, 744th Engineer Company, 54th Engineer......
Audio by Sgt. Kristi Potts | 109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 02.08.2011
2-21 5th Iraqi Army Division soldiers perform battle drill 6 at Kirkush Military Training Base, Iraq. Soldiers learned from clearing procedures, movements, and techniques....