Audio by Staff Sgt. Christine Polvorosa | Marine Corps Air Station Miramar | 01.28.2011
Marine Lance Cpl. Kevin Blackshear from Sheboygan, Wis., currently deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan talks with a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter in Los Angeles, Calif., about the Super Bowl, NFL Green Bay Packers, Brett Favre, why he joined the Marines and says hello to his family....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 01.27.2011
KODIAK, Alaska - Deck Watch is a five to seven minute radio show featuring Coast Guard news from around Alaska. The feature for Jan. 28, 2011, by PA3 Walter Shinn is an interview with FS1 Steffen Frazier about the Buoydeck. U.S. Coast Guard audio by D17 External Affairs....
Audio by Sgt. Kristi Potts | 109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 01.27.2011
Radio package about the Stryker mechanics who keep the mission running smoothly at Kirkush Military Training Base in Iraq....
Audio by Sgt. Joshua Tverberg | United States Division-North | 01.27.2011
The 1st Battalion, 11th Brigade, 3rd Iraqi Army Division, graduates from the Ghuzlani Warrior Training Center. This is the first battalion to graduate from the GWTC....
Audio by 1st Lt. William Marquez | 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) | 01.27.2011
Lt. Col. Teresa Rae, from Chicago, Ill., talks to a WGN-AM reporter in Chicago, Ill., about her duties in Iraq and working in logistics....
Audio by 1st Lt. William Marquez | 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) | 01.27.2011
Capt. Corey Cannon talks to a Topeka Capital-Journal reporter from Topeka, Kan., about his responsibilities in Iraq and what his deployment has been like...
Courtesy Audio | Minnesota National Guard | 01.27.2011
Talks to a KLTT-AM reporter in Denver, Colo., about his work with an liaison and mentor team, teaching English to the Afghans, how they react to the teachings, his history in the military and messages to his family. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | NASA | 01.26.2011
The Expedition 27 Preflight Crew News Conference. Press conference conducted at the Johnson Space Center on 01/26/2011. Digitized, cataloged and archived by the Houston Audio Control Room. NASA Identifier: Expedition27PreflightCrewNewsConference...