Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Jose Colon | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | 01.18.2011
CW3 Paul Leoni of Jacksonville, Fla., talks to a reporter with the Captain America, WSRQ-AM radio program about his current deployment to Afghanistan, being a helicopter pilot, his civilian work flying helicopters for the city of Jacksonville, the temperatures and weather in Kabul where he's stationed, and he sends a shout out to the people of Jacksonville and Florida....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Brofer | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 01.18.2011
Gunnery Sgt. James Dacey Radio Lia reporter in Seattle, Wash., about his deployment in Afghanistan and his responsibilities overseas....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Benjamin Harris | AFN Afghanistan | 01.17.2011
Afghanistan is taking control of its infrastructure, Lance Cpl. Benjamin Harris explains how the country plans to deal with Afghans who are a threat to National Security. Sound bite includes Vice Adm. Robert Harward, Commander, Combined Joint Interagency, Task Force 435 (CJIATF 435), Hometown: Coronado, Calif., and Pvt. Haseeb, Military Policeman, Battalion 1, Afghan National Army. Produced by......
Audio by Sgt. Kristi Potts | 109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 01.17.2011
Radio story about Iraqi soldiers training at KMTB's mortar range.
Audio by Staff Sgt. George Maddon | AFN Afghanistan | 01.17.2011
The struggle of everyday life can be hard at times, especially when safety is an issue. Air Force Staff Sgt. George Maddon takes us to Chamkani, Afgahnistan where contractors are building safeguards, one stone at a time. Sound bites include Capt. Christopher Gideon, RSC - East Senior ANP Engineer, Hometown: Stillwell, Okla. and Sgt. 1st Class Steven Merrill, RSC - East ANP Engineer NCOIC,......
Courtesy Audio | Joint Task Force Guantanamo Public Affairs | 01.17.2011
Radio piece of Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba's 5K run celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.
Courtesy Audio | ISAF Joint Command | 01.17.2011
Maj. Gregory Lowe from Waterloo, Ill., talks to a Republic-Times reporter about his duties and responsibilities while he is deployed to Afghanistan....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Junius Stone | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | 01.17.2011
SERVICE SUBMITTING ENTRY: U.S. ARMY MEDIUM: Broadcast TYPE OF AWARD: Individual CATEGORY: D - Radio News Report ENTRY TITLE: Afghan National Police Cadet Training PUBLICATION/AIR DATE: 14 December 2009 LOCATION: Mazar-i-Shariff UNIT POC: Rank, Name, Branch of Service, Position Title (PAO, Editor, Station Manger), E-Mail Address, DSN & Commercial Phone Numbers, and Commander’s......