Audio by Staff Sgt. Tsuyoshi Shinzato | AFN Afghanistan | 01.04.2011
Staff Sgt. Tsuyoshi Shinzato reports on service members giving blood platelets at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan.
Audio by Lance Cpl. Benjamin Harris | AFN Afghanistan | 01.04.2011
Kapisa Provincial Reconstruction Team engineers conducted a site survey at a school in Kapisa province. The team assisted the Afghan government by increasing government capabilities and capacities through various projects. Hosted by Lance Cpl. Benjamin Harris....
Audio by Spc. Adam Ross | 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 01.04.2011
Country singer and former soldier Keni Thomas speaks on playing for troops.
Audio by Cpl. Clayton Rogers | AFN Afghanistan | 01.03.2011
The Provincial Reconstruction Team's mission in Afghanistan is to connect the people with their government. Lance Cpl. Clayton Rogers takes us to Khost province where Khost P-R-T oversaw two major projects tha'll strengthen the community. Includes sound bites from Lt. Cmdr. Robert Zhang, PRT Head Engineer and Perveen, PRT Linguist. Afghanistan...
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Q. Diaz | AFN Afghanistan | 01.03.2011
Hundreds of Marines have returned to duty after suffering serious head injuries thanks to medical personnel at Camp Leatherneck. Petty Officer Dustin Diaz spent time with one of these Marines and shares his story....
Audio by Cpl. Mandy Castillo | AFN Afghanistan | 01.03.2011
Members of the 344th Military Information Support Operations Company on Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, use their creative skills as one of their main weapons against counterinsurgency. Marine Cpl. Mandy Castillo tells us the story....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Benjamin Harris | AFN Afghanistan | 01.03.2011
Winning the war in Afghanistan means earning the trust of the people. Lance Cpl. Benjamin Harris tells us how a team in Paktika province is winning the hearts and minds of the Afghan people through their youngest generation. Includes sound bites from Lt. j.g. Tamora Holland, Provincial Reconstruction Team Paktika Medical Officer, from Pittsburgh, Pa....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Tsuyoshi Shinzato | AFN Afghanistan | 01.03.2011
This edition features a story about combat medics from the 61st Cavalry Regiment, Task Force Panther, teaming up with Afghan doctors to treat local civilians at a hospital in Nangahar province, Afghanistan. Produced by Staff Sgt. Tsuyoshi Shinzato...