Audio by Nancy Hudson | U.S. Africa Command | 12.13.2010
AFRCOM Now Podcast -- December 13, 2010. U.S. Ambassadors Yamamoto and Huddleston visiting U.S. Africa Command headquarters in Stuttgart. Also, military legal representatives met for a two-day conference to discuss military rule-of-law issues in Africa. For more info, visit
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 12.13.2010
Reporter stand up for package.
Audio by 1st Lt. William Marquez | 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) | 12.13.2010
Spc. Emily Walter talks to a Daily Iowan, University Of Iowa reporter in Iowa City, Iowa, about why she joined the military and her duties as a public affairs specialist deployed to Iraq....
Audio by 1st Lt. William Marquez | 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) | 12.13.2010
Spc. Cliff Wallace talks to a Daily Iowan, University Of Iowa reporter in Iowa City, Iowa, about why she joined the military and his duties as an ammunition logistics analyst deployed to Iraq helping prepare for troop drawdown from Iraq....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Joseph Vigil | AFN Afghanistan | 12.13.2010
EOD service members strengthened their relationship with Afghanistan national security forces and the governor of Nimroz province. Air Force Staff Sgt. Joseph Vigil tells us how....
Audio by Staff Sgt. James Zannetti | AFN Afghanistan | 12.13.2010
Coalition forces in Afghanistan are continuously working to make people the decisive terrain. Air Force Staff Sgt. James Zannetti takes us to Ghazni province where the Ghazni provincial reconstruction team affects the community by sponsoring a medical clinic....
Audio by Nancy Hudson | U.S. Africa Command | 12.13.2010
Ambassadors Yamamoto and Huddleston visiting U.S. Africa Command headquarters in Stuttgart. Also, military legal representatives met for a two-day conference to discuss military rule-of-law issues in Africa. For more info, visit
Audio by Lt. Col. Antwan Williams | U.S. Army South | 12.11.2010
Maj. Gen. Simeon G. Trombitas, Army South commanding general, conducts radio interview on local San Antonio station. KLUP 0930 AM Military Radio City USA show. The purpose of the interview was to discuss Army South's area of responsibility, mission in Central and South America and the Caribbean and how that mission contributes to regional security and stability, while supporting U.S. Southern......