Audio by Seaman Apprentice Nicolas Quezada | AFN Souda Bay | 05.16.2024
CMDCM Rafael Barney, NSA Souda Bay command master chief, visited AFN to discuss Mental Health Awareness Month.
Audio by Senior Airman Jessica Heaney | AFN Spangdahlem | 05.16.2024
The following was the radio news report for AFN Spangdahlem for May 20th.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Ethan Morrow | AFN Naples | 05.16.2024
Radio bit gameshow style with clues to guess who the celebrity is. Highlighting Matthew McConaughey and Elvis Presley. (U.S. Navy audio by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ethan Jaymes Morrow)...
Audio by Senior Airman Kristal Munguia | AFN Kunsan | 05.16.2024
This AFN Kunsan Radio Update covers this year's Packmanity, an initiative to beautify the base, and the pride of the pack member that was recently recognized. (U.S. Air Force audio by Senior Airman Kristal Munguia)...
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 05.16.2024
Chief Warrant Officer 1 Eric Frank with the Wisconsin National Guard speaks about the 32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team's ongoing rail movement May 16, 2024, at the rail yard at Fort McCoy, Wis. Frank and others have worked for months to plan the movement of dozens of pieces of equipment on nearly 200 railcars for a future rotation at the Army's Joint Readiness Training Center. Frank discusses......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Milton Hamilton | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.16.2024
Today's Story: Harnessing AI
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Conner Blake | AFN Rota | 05.16.2024
ROTA, Spain (May 16, 2024) Navy Exchange Rota will be hosting a Father's Day event, Donuts with Dad, Saturday, June 15, 2024....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Nicole Molignano | AFN Aviano | 05.16.2024
American Forces Network (AFN) Aviano radio news reports on the recent Joint Military Commission (JMC) meeting, hosted by Aviano Air Base, facilitating dialogue and partnership between the United States and Italy. (U.S. Air Force audio by Staff Sergeant Nicole Molignano)...