Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 05.19.2010
KODIAK, Alaska - A Kodiak-based MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew forward deployed to Cordova rescued four mariners from a liferaft three miles south of Montague Island Wednesday. The Coast Guard Sector Anchorage command center received a mayday call from the crew of the Cape Spencer at 9:45 a.m. reporting that their vessel was sinking and they had donned immersion suits were abandoning ship into......
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 8 | 05.19.2010
ROBERT, La. -- U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry, BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles, MMS Regional Director of Field Operations Lars Herbst, and NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator Charlie Henry hold a press briefing May 19, 2010 at the Unified Area Command to update media about ongoing operations regarding Deepwater Horizon oil spill response efforts....
Audio by Spc. Abigail Waldrop | 3rd Infantry Division | 05.19.2010
Staff Sgt. Darin Worthington talks to a KSAT reporter in Ore., about his current deployment in Iraq.
Audio by Senior Airman Jonathon Hernandez | AFN Afghanistan | 05.19.2010
Radio package of an attack at Bagram Air Field in Northern Afghanistan where ten Taliban militants were killed and nine U.S. service members were wounded. Produced by Senior Airman Jay Hernandez....
Audio by 1st Lt. David Spangler | 196th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.19.2010
Sgt. First Class Gutierrez talks to a La Prensa reporter in San Antonio, Texas about his military service history, his duties as a human resource supervisor in Iraq, their living conditions, dealing with the high heat, what he does in his down time, his interactions with Iraqis, conditions as the Iraqi forces take control from the departing foreign troops, his recent visit home, what he misses......
Audio by Sgt. Robert Liddy | AFN Afghanistan | 05.19.2010
U.S. forces and the Afghan national army work together to stabilize Afghanistan communities so they can be more self-sufficient. Army Sgt. Robert Liddy takes us to the Shore-Bock district where coalition forces help distribute humanitarian aid to the village of Kraz-Klay, Afghanistan. Soundbites from Army 1st Lt. Sam Bonnette and Army Lt. Col. William Clark...
Audio by Senior Airman Jonathon Hernandez | AFN Afghanistan | 05.19.2010
Package made from "Mass Casualty Exercise" in the B-roll section about service members deployed to Afghanistan and how they face the threat of indirect fire at anytime and at any place. Service members at Bagram Air Field train to respond quickly to these situations. Produced by Senior Airman Jay Hernandez....
Audio by Spc. Marlon Styles | AFN Afghanistan | 05.19.2010
Package of the Public Affairs Advisory Team in northern Afghanistan teaching the Afghan National Army how to use new media to tell their own tales of security, governance and reconstruction. Produced by Spc. Marlon Styles. Also see "Afghan Army Learn New Media" in the package, and audio sections....