Adm. Douglas Schofield and Retired Capt. Mark Hiigel sharing appreciation for the Seventh Coast Guard District's ombudsman network which provides support for the families of Coast Guardsmen across the region. A recent policy update to the Ombudsman Program Instruction, COMDTINST 1750.4F, now recognizes volunteer ombudsmen as official members of the command and require that each command have one. (U.S. Coast Guard video by Petty Officer 3rd Class Nicholas Strasburg)
Esta semana, la Guardia Costera desplegó embarcaciones y aeronaves adicionales, incluido el USCGC James (WMSL 754), uno de sus buques más nuevos y capaces que patrulla con una Unidad de Tarea de Comando embarcada, en apoyo de la Fuerza de Tarea Conjunta de Seguridad Nacional - Sureste (HSTF-SE) y Operación “Vigilant Sentry.”