Audio by Sgt. Robert Liddy | AFN Afghanistan | 03.26.2010
Package made from "Humanitarian Mission Package" b-roll about the Italian army working with the 82nd Army Brigade in Farah, Afghanistan on routine patrols which ended up as a humanitarian mission for village residents. Produced by Sgt. Robert Liddy. Audio only....
Audio by Senior Airman Jonathon Hernandez | AFN Afghanistan | 03.26.2010
Coalition forces train Afghans to take control of their country's security. Senior Airman Jay Hernandez reports on how Afghan Forces are taking steps towards accomplishing this goal....
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Patrick Malone | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | 03.26.2010
Talks to a Fox Sports Game Time React show host in Los Angeles, Calif., about his favorite sports teams, his family military service history, his current job duties in Iraq and sends greetings to his family....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.25.2010
For many years the Afghanistan women have been working hard to claim equality in a country known for it's male driven society. Marine Cpl. Dane Knapik-Christensen explains how with the help of a couple of American military members the Afghan women are beginning to recover a sense of pride and strength....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.25.2010
Provincial Reconstruction Teams or PRTs established in Afghanistan in late 2002. The teams consist of military and civilians, and their goal is to facilitate reconstruction and help to improve security and development in Afghanistan. Air Force Staff Sgt. Tiffany Gordon Takes us to Kapisa Province and shows us how they meet those goals....
Audio by Spc. Jason Nolte | 21st Theater Sustainment Command | 03.24.2010
Package about the 230th MP Company traveling to Macedonia to train Macedonian soldiers before they deploy to Afghanistan. Produced by Spc. Jadon Nolte. Also see "230th MPs Trains Macedonian Soldiers" in the package section....
Audio by John Ohab | Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs | 03.24.2010
This edition features a discussion with Master Sergeant Kari L. Hubler, United States Marine Corps, who has been an enlisted specialist in the field of meteorology and oceanography for the past 17 years. While most of her career has been spent in operational forecasting....
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 03.24.2010
Talks to an Adventure Radio Group reporter in Savannah, Ga. about music, what his unit did during the Iraqi elections, his duties while deployed and the progress of his mission....