Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.23.2010
Chaplains go anywhere the men and women of the military go including war zones. Marine Cpl. Dane Knapik-Christensen takes us to Farah, Afghanistan where one chaplain's absence means others must step up....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.23.2010
In March of 2007 heavy duty rains and melting winter snows caused destructive flooding across Afghanistan. According to an International Security Assistance Force news release some of the most severe flooding occurred in Parwan Province. Air Force Staff Sgt. Tiffany Gordon takes us to Parwan and tells us how Kentucky's Agribusiness Development Team is helping to repair some of that damage......
Courtesy Audio | 13th Armored Corps Sustainment Command (13th ESC) | 03.22.2010
Talks to a reporter from Tooele Transcript Bulletin in Tooele, Utah about her dutries and responsibilities while she is deployed in Iraq....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Elicia Summerville | AFN Afghanistan | 03.22.2010
Package about the 135th preparing for future operations by opening a Trans-Shipment Yard in Kandahar, Afghanistan, to improve distribution flow and visibility moving equipment and supplies to their forward destinations. Produced by Tech Sgt. Elicia Summerville....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.22.2010
Operation Enduring Freedom has a new direction in Afghanistan. It includes reaching out to the communities that surround military installations and being ambassadors of goodwill. This idea of being a good neighbor is one of the new focal points in the counter insurgency strategy of the U.S. military and coalition forces. Spc. Marlon Styles rode with one combat driver who believes it is his job......
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.22.2010
Music increases memory, improves language skills and even aids brain development. Army Pfc. Aquilla Reed takes us to Bagram Airfield where music has not only crossed cultures, but also brought them together. Afghanistan...
Courtesy Audio | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | 03.20.2010
Sends a greeting for the people of Afghanistan in Dari for Nowruz. Produced by Andreas Wilmers. Audio only.
Courtesy Audio | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | 03.20.2010
Sends a greeting to the people of Afghanistan for Nowruz in English. Produced by Andreas Wilmers. Audio only.