Audio by Staff Sgt. Daniel Delgado | 380th Air Expeditionary Wing | 03.11.2010
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates adressed Airmen deployed to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing at a non disclosed base in Southwest Asia....
Courtesy Audio | 13th Armored Corps Sustainment Command (13th ESC) | 03.11.2010
Talks to a KIRO-AM reporter about his responsibilities in Iraq, handling ammunition, inspecting the ammunition and staying in touch with family and friends through technology....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.11.2010
With the increase of military personnel in Afghanistan housing is crucial. The accommodations for the troops have to meet a certain standard. U.S. military and coalition forces share bases of operation in Afghanistan, making it difficult to implement a standard. Spc. Marlon Styles tells us more about a team of people that travel throughout Afghanistan looking after the safety of U.S. service......
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.11.2010
Muslims living in America exercise their freedom of religion rights regularly. Marine Cpl. Bryan Lett tells us a story of how Muslims working on Bagram Airfield are given the same opportunity....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.11.2010
Perception is reality. Marine Corporal Dane Knapik-Christensen takes us to Camp Hero where the Afghanistan national army is receiving a new perception to put out....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Afghanistan | 03.11.2010
Saying thank you to service members is sometimes overlooked. One special member of the President's cabinet took the time to do just that. Produced by Staff Sgt. Lashaundra Shaw-Rankin...
Courtesy Audio | 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team | 03.10.2010
Talks to a Bend Radio Group reporter about preparing to head home from Iraq, his responsibilities in Iraq and what a typical day is like for him in Iraq....
Courtesy Audio | 13th Armored Corps Sustainment Command (13th ESC) | 03.10.2010
Talks to a KTEM-AM reporter about being on his second deployment, his responsibilities overseas, technology making staying in touch with family members easier and the types of equipment he repairs...