Courtesy Audio | 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | 02.19.2010
Talks to a Fox Sports Game Time React show host in Los Angeles, Calif., about why he joined the military, the New York Yankees, his daily duties and sends greetings to his family....
Courtesy Audio | Georgia National Guard | 02.18.2010
Major Gen. William T. Nesbitt, Adjutant General of the the Georgia National Guard, encourages the public to welcome back 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (48 IBCT) Soldiers returning from Afghanistan....
Courtesy Audio | XVIII Airborne Corps Public Affairs | 02.18.2010
Talks to a WTOC reporter in Savannah, Ga., about the support provided by the crew of the USNS Comfort for Haitian earthquake survivors, since it arrival there just days after the massive earthquake devastated the island....
Courtesy Audio | 15th Sustainment Brigade | 02.18.2010
Talks to a KIRO-AM reporter about being on her second deployment, her responsibilities in Iraq, the improvements she has noticed in Iraq, having better equipment now than her first deployment, sharing the roads with civilian traffic and not feeling a sense of fear when she is out on the roads...
Courtesy Audio | 15th Sustainment Brigade | 02.18.2010
Talks to a Skagit Valley Herald reporter about being on his first deployment, how many years he has been in the military, how his deployment has been so far, what his mission in Iraq is, training the Iraqi forces and challenges faced in the training,...
Audio by Amanda Filler | Defense Health Agency | 02.18.2010
Dr. David S. Krantz, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Medical & Clinical Psychology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, studies the role of behavior in cardiovascular disorders and on various aspects of psychosocial stress and health. The focus of Dr. Krantz's research is on behavioral factors in coronary heart disease, using both laboratory and field approaches to study the......
Courtesy Audio | 15th Sustainment Brigade | 02.18.2010
Talks to a reporter from The Easterner about where he grew up in Washington, being involved in an ROTC program, what interested him about joining the ROTC, family members that were in the military, how long he has been in Iraq, what he studied in school and his plans once he gets home from Iraq....
Courtesy Audio | 15th Sustainment Brigade | 02.18.2010
Talks to a KTTH-AM reporter about his responsibilities in Iraq, being on his first deployment, how long he has been in the military and what he is going to remember the most from his experiences in Iraq...