Audio by Sgt. Kevin Dunnaway | AFN Wiesbaden | 05.02.2024
AFN Wiesbaden radio news for May 2, 2024, features a story about changes to school meals and a local flea market. The news was produced at AFN Wiesbaden on Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Hessen, DE. (U.S. Army audio by Sgt. Kevin Dunnaway)...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Brandon Cox | The NCO Journal | 05.02.2024
Maj. Gen. David Doyle, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson commander and Command Sgt. Maj. Alex Kupratty join the Sergeant's Time Podcast to discuss Doyle's upbringing and journey in the Army, and why it's essential for NCOs and officers to have a positive professional relationship....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Nye | AFN Bahrain | 05.02.2024
Radio interview with Senior Chief Grace Glover, Chief Carol Thompson and Petty Officer 1st Class Brooke Fox discussing the Enlisted Leadership Development framework and continued facilitation of career advancement and ongoing leadership opportunities. (U.S. Navy audio by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Jonathan Nye)...
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Dakota Nack | AFN Rota | 05.02.2024
Golf Scramble at NAVSTA Rota.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Andrew Eder | AFN Naples | 05.02.2024
U.S. Africa Command's premiere and largest annual joint and combined exercise, African Lion 2024, is now underway. & In Ghana U.S. NAVAL FORCES AFRICA, US MARINE CORPS FORCES AFRICA AND THE GHANAN NAVY ARE LEADING THE AFRICAN MARITIME FORCES SUMMIT AND NAVAL INFANTRY LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Sigonella | 05.02.2024
NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA, Italy (May 2, 2024) Radio spot promotes upcoming prom. American Forces Network Sigonella is a Navy-operated American Forces Radio and Television Service station that provides host command and military information, local and world news, sports and entertainment programming for service members, their families, and DoD personnel assigned to NAS Sigonella. (Courtesy......
Audio by Senior Airman Jessica Heaney | AFN Spangdahlem | 05.02.2024
This 15 second radio spot is advertising the Italian cooking class at the USO on May 17th on Spangdahlem Air Base.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Karri Langerman | AFN Souda Bay | 05.02.2024
Francisco Landrau, retired Senior Chief Construction Mechanic, assigned to Naval Support Activity (NSA) Souda Bay, remembers the lives of seven Seabees who were killed in action in 2001 during a ceremony aboard NSA Souda Bay on May 2, 2024. MCSA Nicolas Quezada reports....