Audio by Senior Airman Brooke Sorensen | AFN Aviano | 05.02.2024
American Forces Network (AFN) Aviano radio news reports on a newly mandated Venice Tourism Tax and how it will affect members of Aviano Air Base planning trips to Venice. (U.S. Air Force audio by Senior Airman Brooke Sorensen)...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Michael Richmond | AFN Incirlik | 05.02.2024
American Forces Network Incirlik highlights the upcoming Larger Than Life (LTL) Sports Day on April 30, 2024, at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye. (Defense Media Agency radio spot by Staff Sgt. Michael A. Richmond)...
Audio by 2nd Lt. De-Juan Haley | 130th Airlift Wing | 05.01.2024
In this abbreviated episode, we hear from Col. Bryan Preece, 130th Airlift Wing Commander, Col. Patrick Chard, 130th Deputy Wing Commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Kevan Williams, 130th Wing Command Chief, talk about the Wing priorities for this months Unit Training Assembly. ...
Audio by Sgt. Kevin Dunnaway | AFN Wiesbaden | 05.01.2024
AFN Wiesbaden radio news for May 1, 2024, features a story about the former Sergeant Major of the Army and the 63rd annual TOPPERS awards ceremony. The news was produced at AFN Wiesbaden on Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Hessen, DE. (U.S. Army audio by Sgt. Kevin Dunnaway)...
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Lance Valencia | Air Force Television Pentagon (SAF/PAI) | 05.01.2024
Episode 32, Pt. 2 of the Perigee Podcast, hosted by Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna. Space Force Generation, or SPAFORGEN, cycles guardians through three phases -- prepare, ready and commit -- and is the service’s model for assigning and allocating forces to combatant commands. Part 2 of 2....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Lance Valencia | Air Force Television Pentagon (SAF/PAI) | 05.01.2024
Episode 32, Pt. 1 of the Perigee Podcast, hosted by Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna. Space Force Generation, or SPAFORGEN, cycles guardians through three phases -- prepare, ready and commit -- and is the service’s model for assigning and allocating forces to combatant commands. Part 1 of 2....
Audio by Gloriann Martin | Fort George G. Meade Public Affairs | 05.01.2024
On this episode of Fort Meade Declassified, we sit down with Careasa Greer, U.S. Army Garrison Fort George G. Meade Workforce Development Specialist, to discuss workforce development opportunities available to Team Meade....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Brandon Cox | The NCO Journal | 05.01.2024
4th Infantry Division Command Sgt. Maj. Alex Kupratty chats with the NCO Journal staff about growing up, evolving from a junior Soldier to Division CSM, and the leadership traits and values he learned along the way....