Audio by Spc. Jessica Hayes | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 06.18.2009
Soldiers in Northern Iraq recently celebrated the United States Army's 224th birthday.
Audio by Spc. Jessica Hayes | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 06.18.2009
This edition features a story about soldiers from the 12th Iraqi Army Division, supported by Iraqi police, Sons of Iraq and U.S. forces detaining 11 individuals wanted for terrorism. Kirkuk province in Iraq is now a little safer thanks to the hard work of the Iraqi security forces. Hosted by Pvt. Jessica Hayes...
Audio by Sgt. Erik Fardette | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 06.18.2009
This edition features stories on: Ironhorse Soldiers keep their area of operation safe.; A medical clinic opens in Yarmouk. Produced by Sgt. Erik Fardette, Multi-National Division-Baghdad Public Affairs Office....
Audio by John Ohab | Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs | 06.17.2009
This edition features a discussion about the hardening Army base camps from explosions and projectiles being much simpler if super materials were available to work with - say materials with 10 times the strength of steel or twice that of Kevlar. It has been known for years that materials are very strong at the molecular level. The reason why this strength doesn't exist in everyday materials is......
Audio by Spc. Michael Pleyte | 222nd Broadcast Operations Detachment | 06.17.2009
BG Stephen Lanza Intervew with SPC Michael Pleyte "Mike on the Mic". Topic includes June 30th transition.
Courtesy Audio | 25th Infantry Division | 06.17.2009
Talks to a WMZQ - FM reporter in Washington, D.C., about improvements he sees in the security forces in Iraq, what he misses from home and sends greetings to his family at home....
Audio by Sgt. Erik Fardette | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 06.17.2009
This edition features stories on: K-9's help soldiers find explosives.; U.S. soldiers train Iraqi national police on house clearing procedures. Produced by Sgt. Erik Fardette, Multi-National Division-Baghdad Public Affairs Office....
Courtesy Audio | 145th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 06.16.2009
Package about Soldiers at Joint Combat Out Post handing it back over to Iraqi forces. Produced by Spc.Christopher Bruce