Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 05.26.2009
Talks to a Radio Lia reporter in Seattle, Wash. about her military history, her duties while deployed, challenges she faces while deployed and how to keep a marriage together while she is deployed....
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Heise | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 05.26.2009
This edition features stories on: Combat lifesaver training gives the Iraqi police training that might someday save a life. (This story produced by Sgt. Erik Fardette, Multi-National Division-Baghdad Public Affairs.); Tip leads to large weapon cache discovery in the Aqur Quf area west of Baghdad. (This story produced by Sgt. Lisa Heise, MND-B Public Affairs Office.). Produced by Sgt. Lisa......
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.25.2009
Package about Marines, Sailors, civilians and Japanese local nationals coming together to commemorate those who served and died in combat. Produced by Lance Cpl. Samantha Means....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 05.25.2009
This edition features stories on: A taste of the islands brought to the soldiers of Camp Liberty; A large weapons cache was discovered by Iraqi Security Forces in the Mansour District of northwest Baghdad. Produced by Sgt. Lisa Heise, MND-B Public Affairs Office...
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.24.2009
Package about Sailors visiting the local dam that was constructed in memorial to the 55 American and 14 Japanese personnel who died during its construction during World War II. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jamie Hawkins....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division | 05.24.2009
Talk to a reporter with the Fresno Bee in Fresno, Calif. about growing up in the Fresno area, their duties while deployed, the success of the surge and the progress of their missions....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.24.2009
Package about a training exercise where gate security guards are tested on how they handle visitors passing through the gate. Also see "Nothing Gets Past These Gates" in the audio section. Produced by Airman 1st Calss Marcella O’Campo....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.24.2009
Package about how Misawa AB, Japan, takes action apprehending role players getting more bite for their buck. Also see "Role Players Rob Misawa Inn - Package" in the package section. Produced by Airman 1st Class Marcella O’Campo ....