Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 1 | 05.29.2009
BOSTON- Coast Guard air crews rescued a fatigued, trans-Atlantic rower, Friday, about 150 miles east of Cape Cod, Mass. Charlie Girard, 28, from France, called the Coast Guard around 8:25 a.m., using a satellite phone and activated his Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon, to help the Coast Guard to find his position. Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod launched a Falcon jet and a Jayhawk......
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters | 05.29.2009
In this audio clip released by the Coast Guard, one of six men rescued by the Coast Guard calls out mayday as his boat capsizes two miles from the mouth of the Columbia River around 10 a.m. Friday, May 29, 2009. The vessel was located with the help of the Coast Guard's Rescue 21 communication system. (U.S. Coast Guard audio)...
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.29.2009
Package of a banquet to honor top Sailors from each command held at Fleet Activities Sasebo. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Myrick....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.29.2009
Package about how to make a long distance relationship work when one partner is deployed. Produced by Airman 1st Class Michelle DeMers....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 05.29.2009
This edition features stories on: Iraqi mechanics are learning techniques to keep their vehicles rolling down the streets of Iraq. (Pfc. Mitch Taylor, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Multi-National Division-Baghdad); Person suspected of filming RKG-3 attacks in the Ghaziliyah neighborhood is arrested on a warrant. (Produced by Sgt. Lisa Heise, MND-B Public Affairs Office.)...
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 05.29.2009
Talks to a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter in Los Angeles, Calif., about his duties as personal security for his colonel, his hopes and expectations for the NBA finals, the professional football teams he likes and dislikes, his favorite professional athletes and sends greetings to his friends and families....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.28.2009
Package of Yokota High School's Asian Pacific Heritage Month celebration showcasing demonstrations from fellow students and base organizations to highlight Asian Pacific American culture. Produced by Staff Sgt. Yoshi Shinzato....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.28.2009
Package about a dodge ball game between Aviano's Security Forces Squadron and Fire Department for the Battle of the Badge. Produced by Airman 1st Class Lauren Lagudi....