Audio by John Ohab | Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs | 05.27.2009
This edition features Army scientists who have developed vaccines against two types of hantaviruses, which are known health threats to U.S. troops stationed in Europe and Asia. The research team used small amounts of genetic material, or DNA, from the Hantaan and Puumala viruses to develop the vaccines. These DNA vaccines are potentially more cost-effective, and the needle-free vaccination......
Courtesy Audio | 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 05.27.2009
Sends a graduation greeting to the graduating class at Apollo high school
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division | 05.27.2009
Talks to a KSOF- FM reporter in Fresno, Calif., about the upcoming summer weather in Iraq, what being part of the military means to him, Memorial Day, being able to communicate with home and the improving of Iraq and how the media does or doesn't cover. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division | 05.27.2009
Talks to KLTD-FM reporter about how many deployments he has been on, his responsibilities, on going projects to help the Iraqis and the pride he feels in the work being done in Iraq...
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.27.2009
Package about barracks being wired with fiber optic cable. Produced by Lance Cpl. Tony Orth. Also see "Air Force News - Iwakuni Fiber Optics" in the package section....
Audio by Sgt. John Angelo | 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 05.27.2009
Features Capt. Laurk and Maj. Hughs give a graduation greeting to children graduating from Apollo High School.
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Heise | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 05.27.2009
Today's Cav Round-Up # 76 was produced by Sgt. Lisa Heise, Multi-National Division - Baghdad Public Affairs Office. The May 27 newscast includes the following two stories: 1. Using the talents other than the ones the Army gave him, Sgt. Paul Lerma is helping his fellow soldiers have a better quality of life. Sgt. Nathan Jones, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Baghdad......
Courtesy Audio | AFN Korea | 05.26.2009
This edition features stories on medical training and the art of applying fake injuries to airmen, the celebration of national nurses week. Audio only. Hosted by Sgt. Jason Kacera....