Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.22.2009
Package about Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting several hundred servicemembers and their families during her visit to Asia. Secretary Clinton speaks to the troops about the important role they play in the region. Also see "Secretary Clinton in Asia - Take 1 & 2" in the video section. Produced by Senior Airman David Clark ....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.22.2009
Package about Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first overseas trip as America's top diplomat, discussing the importance of one of the United States' most important partnerships in the region. Also see "U.S. - Japan Alliance" in the video section. Produced by Senior Airman David Clark....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.22.2009
Package about some of the benefits that commissaries offer to service members. Also see "Commissary Benefits" in the video section. Produced by Master Sgt. Brian Forbess....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.21.2009
Package about the High School basketball tournament to find the best team in the Pacific. Also see "DODS High School Basketball Tournament" in the video section. Produced by Petty Officer Isaac Needleman....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.20.2009
Package of Airmen attending a food show on Aviano Air Base. Produced by Staff Sgt. Kendall Bailey.
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.20.2009
Package of an Airman who has the responsibility of making sure flight crews are running smoothly. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Isaac Needleman....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.20.2009
Package about Former NCAA and NFL head coach Lou Holtz speaking with service members during a visit to Camp Zama. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eric Bodkin...
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.20.2009
Package about information on keeping children healthy. Produced by Airmen 1st Class Jay Hernandez