Courtesy Audio | 10th Mountain Division | 12.19.2008
The Task Force Mountain Update is a weekly radio newscast highlighting top story releases in the Multi-National Division - Center area of operation....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | 12.19.2008
Talks to a KXRM reporter in Colorado Springs, Colo., about his duty in country, the number of deployments he's been on, spending time away from home during the holidays and his most proudest moment since being in Iraq....
Courtesy Audio | 10th Mountain Division | 12.19.2008
Multi-National Division - Center Soldiers take initiative to improve living conditions at Joint Security Station Jenkins....
Audio by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 12.19.2008
This edition features stories on: Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers take part in a body-building competition at Camp Taji. (This story produced by Spc. Lucas Wysocki, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 25th Infantry Division.); Moment of Valor: Pfc. Marcus Brown. (This story produced by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger, MND-B Public Affairs Office.) Produced by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger,......
Courtesy Audio | 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | 12.18.2008
Talks to a North Jefferson News reporter in Warrior, Ala. about his military history, his duties while deployed and the progress of his mission....
Courtesy Audio | 10th Mountain Division | 12.18.2008
10th Mountain Division's Provost Marshalls Office provides vital support to Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Audio by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 12.18.2008
This edition features stories on: Sgt. Philip Harvey discusses how he learned Arabic, and how it helps his mission. (The story produced by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger, Multi-National Division-Baghdad Public Affairs Office.) Produced by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger, Multi-National Division-Baghdad Public Affairs Office....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Marine Corps Forces Central Command | 12.17.2008
Speaks to a reporter about his job description, what he does with his free time, what the environment is like right now, spending Christmas overseas, sends a greeting to his family, his families military history, his father and brother being in different branches of service, and sends a holiday message to military families....