Audio by Sgt. Michael Cox | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | 10.22.2008
Sons Of Iraq from the Adhamiya District in Baghdad, Iraq play a soocer match against the Iraqi national police and Iraqi army....
Audio by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 10.22.2008
This edition features stories on: Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers continue to help the Iraqi police provide security throughout Baghdad. (This story produced by Sgt. Jeremy Todd, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Public Affairs Office.); Ironhorse Family Album: Lt. Col. David Yebra(This story produced by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger, MND-B Public Affairs Office). Produced by Sgt.......
Audio by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 10.21.2008
This edition features stories on: Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers prepare for the worst when it comes to evacuating the wounded. (This story produced by Spc. Lucas Wysocki, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office.); The Iraqi army transfers authority for the security of Baghdad to the Iraqi police. (This story produced by Staff Sgt. Kelly Collett,......
Audio by Lt. Col. Paul Fanning | Combined Joint Task Force Phoenix V | 10.20.2008
Talks to a Georgia Asian Times reporter in Atlanta, Ga. about being an Asian-American Soldier serving in Afghanistan, his youth in Korea, coming to NYC, his military history, his duties while deployed and the progress of his mission....
Courtesy Audio | 30th Naval Construction Regiment | 10.20.2008
Talks to Midland News in Midland, Mich. about his duties while deployed and the progress of his mission.
Audio by Sgt. Kyle Pflieger | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 10.20.2008
This edition features stories on: Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers hand out school supplies to Iraqi children. (This story produced by Staff Sgt. Vin Stevens, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division); MND-B Soldiers work with Iraqi civilians to rebuild and renovate local schools. (This story produced by Spc. Lucas Wysocki, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry......
Courtesy Audio | 728th Military Police Battalion | 10.18.2008
Talks to a Bradenton Herald reporter in Bradenton, Fla., about his duties as a personnel sergeant in his military police company, his family, how MOTS is helping his wife, how he decided to go into the military, his personal and family military history and what he misses from home....
Courtesy Audio | 728th Military Police Battalion | 10.17.2008
Talks to a reporter about improvements being made in Iraq, how many tours he has been on, the highlight of his deployment, what he would like to let the public know, the re-enlistment rates for his unit, how long he has been in the military, how prepared new Soldiers are when they are deployed, advice he has for someone thinking about joining the military, his plans after he leaves the......