Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 01.11.2006
This edition features a story on the use of robots in a combat zone. Produced by Spc. Jake McEvoy.
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (AA) Public Affairs | 01.10.2006
Soldiers patrol the streets to look in on Iraqi Army-manned traffic check points and evaluate a new one that's been built to cut down on improvised explosive devices littering a nearby route. Produced by Sgt. Joy Kroemer....
Courtesy Audio | 363rd Public Affairs Detachment | 01.09.2006
This edition of the Ironhorse Report features stories about the transfer of authority between 3rd Infantry Division and 4th Infantry Division and the Iraqi Army celebrating their 85th birthday. Produced by Sgt. Frank Merola....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 01.03.2006
Report on a mass casualty exercise at a dining facility. Produced by Pfc. Mark Matthews.
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 12.28.2005
Stories include an engineer book donation, a refurbishment of a water treatment plant, and highlights of the 2005 Hope and Freedom USO show. Hosted by Spc. Suzanne Dennis....
Courtesy Audio | 133rd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 12.27.2005
Soldiers listen to the 101st Division band to get into the holiday spirit. Produced by Staff Sgt. Nicki Podrumus.
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 12.25.2005
This edition features a story on a visit from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Produced by Spc. Jake McEvoy.
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 12.21.2005
This weekly report features stories on securing the Iraqi elections, deployed Soldiers becoming U.S. citizens, and the latest fight night at Camp Victory. Produced by Sgt. Jose Colon....