Courtesy Audio | 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 11.30.2005
Soldiers bring engineering books donated by American Society of Civil Engineers to Iraq's Minister of Construction and Housing. Produced by Spc. Suzanne Dennis....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 11.30.2005
This week's edition of Freedom Report features stories about a new computer program to assist with tracking medical records and a renovation for a sewer treatment plant in Baghdad. Produced by Sgt. Jose Colon....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 11.26.2005
This week's edition of Boots on the Ground features a Fort Bragg Soldier bringing his love for boxing to Camp Victory in Baghdad by teaching classes three days a week at the camp's gym. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Angele Ringo....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 11.23.2005
Two Marines work flight operations for overnight hours at Griffin Helipad on Camp Victory. Produced by Army Sgt. Andrew Meissner....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 11.22.2005
This week's edition of Freedom Report features stories about a new health outreach program and a soccer equipment donation to Iraqi children. Produced by Spc. Suzanne Dennis....
Audio by NMUSAF PA | National Museum of the U.S. Air Force | 11.17.2005
One of only 25 women who qualified as pilots for the original Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron, Florene Miller Watson discusses her experiences before, during and after World War II. She served as a flight instructor and taught men to fly in the War Training Program in Texas and was later made the commanding officer over the WAFS-WASPs stationed at Love Field, Texas. When WWII was finally......
Courtesy Audio | 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 11.15.2005
Radio package about Soldiers from 4-64th Armored Regiment donating soccer equipment to kids in Iraq. Produced by Spc. Nakisha Fonoti....
Courtesy Audio | 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 11.15.2005
Radio package about Soldiers from 4th Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division conducting Operation Clean Sweep. Produced by Spc. Nakisha Fonoti....