Audio by Staff Sgt. Tyler Ewing | AFN Vicenza | 01.02.2024
30 second Regional Training Support Division South Indoor Gun Range Radio Spot
Audio by Staff Sgt. Ryan Grossklag | AFN Kaiserslautern | 01.02.2024
Following a difficult year in recruitment efforts across the Department of Defense, Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder addressed the media and detailed leadership's optimism to improve recruiting numbers. Third Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Derek France issued a holiday message to the over 32,000 Airmen who encompass 3 AF. (U.S. Air Force audio by Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Grossklag)...
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Brandie Nuzzi | AFN Sigonella | 01.02.2024
NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA, Italy (Jan. 2, 2024) A radio spot describing Fleet and Family Support Service Center services and hours on Naval Air Station Sigonella. (U.S. Navy audio by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Brandie Nuzzi)...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Chelsea Weaver | South Carolina National Guard | 01.01.2024
On this episode of the Palmetto Guardian we talk with CH (Maj.) John Denny, South Carolina National Guard support chaplain and Ruth Ellis, South Carolina National Guard behavioral health specialist about the transformative world of the COMPASS program! We delve into a proven process designed to assist individuals navigating grief, trauma, crisis, or acute stress resulting from significant life......
Audio by Peter Robertson | Defense Information School | 01.01.2024
Host and DINFOS instructor Jack Rous interviews longtime Baltimore Sun Columnist, Dan Rodricks about his storied career and his advice for professional communicators at every level....
Audio by Sgt. Kevin Henderson | AFN Kaiserslautern | 12.31.2023
Terry Bradshaw speaks to the service members stationed overseas about how he doing, how the NFL has reached Europe and thanking the service member during the holiday season. (U.S. Army Audio by SGT Kevin Henderson...
Audio by Sgt. Kevin Henderson | AFN Kaiserslautern | 12.31.2023
Terry Bradshaw speaks to the service members stationed overseas about how he doing, how the NFL has reached Europe and thanking the service member during the holiday season. (U.S. Army Audio by SGT Kevin Henderson)...
Audio by Janice Erdlitz | Lyster Army Health Clinic | 12.31.2023
Lyster Health Talks Podcast Episode 10 – Plans for a healthy New Year. Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, and special guests Capt. Nichelle Pascoe, and Mr. Brent Eubanks share their thoughts on helping you make 2024 a healthy new year. Lyster Health Talks is a monthly podcast focused on the health and readiness of the force, hosted by Lt. Col. Garrett Holt, Commander, Lyster Army Health Clinic. The......