Audio by Pfc. Ana-Grace Catoe | South Carolina National Guard | 09.21.2023
On this episode of the Palmetto Guardian we talk with Staff Sgt. Sheronda Dean, personal services awards Non-commissioned Officer (NCO), about the ins and outs of submitting awards. We talk about reasons why awards may get kicked back, how to fill out the proper form and when they need to be submitted to get approved. The Palmetto Guardian is hosted by Staff Sgt. Chelsea Weaver and Spc.......
Audio by Spc. Kaleb Kennedy | AFN Bavaria | 09.21.2023
Radio News Round Up
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Andrew Eder | AFN Naples | 09.21.2023
MWR Naples Italy is hosting a special golf event
Audio by Staff Sgt. Kristine Legate | AFN Misawa | 09.21.2023
The Breakdown Show Open with SSgt Kristine Legate.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Kristine Legate | AFN Misawa | 09.21.2023
The Breakdown Show Open with SSgt Kristine Legate.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Conner Blake | AFN Rota | 09.21.2023
Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Jonathan Estella joins AFN Rota to discuss the importance of leadership offering mental health services to their Sailors....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Conner Blake | AFN Rota | 09.21.2023
Rota Animal Welfare League hosts a Homerun Derby on NAVSTA Rota Oct. 21, 2023.
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 09.21.2023
Lt Kathryn Lee, Fleet and Family Support Officer on U.S. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia, speaks on her weekly radio show at American Forces Network Diego September 21, 2023. During this week’s episode she discussed interpersonal relationships surrounding a person and how to strengthen them....