Exercise CENTAM Guardian 23 will be held March 12-29 and May17-Jun 03 in various locations throughout Central America and the Caribbean with the main command post in Guatemala. CENTAM Guardian 23 is an annual multinational exercise designed to build humanitarian assistance/disaster response functional capacity, enhance readiness to combat common threats in Central America, and promote...
A&S is a character-based selection process that is indexed off character, physical
performance and mental fortitude, designed to prepare future operators for uncertainty,
to embrace pressure and improve their crisis management abilities.
Tactical Air Control Party candidates complete their apprentice course within the Special Warfare Training Wing. After graduation, TACPs will be prepared to deploy with joint task forces and call in precision strikes from anywhere in the world. It often takes rucking and jumping into austere combat environments to get the job done.
The North and West Africa Crisis Response Force (NARF) is composed of joint elements across Europe and is tasked to protect U.S. personnel, property and interests in the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) area of responsibility in case of crisis. The NARF is responsible for conducting crisis and contingency operations for AFRICOM throughout North and West Africa.
The NARF is under the command...
The Air National Guard Band of the West Coast provides a wide spectrum of musical support for events that enhance the morale, motivation, and esprit de corps of our Airmen, foster public trust and support, aid recruiting initiatives, and promote our national interests at home and abroad.
Caribbean Urban Warrior is a bilateral training evolution designed to increase global interoperability between 2d Reconnaissance Battalion, 2d Marine Division, and the Dutch Marine Squadron Carib.
Supporting the Fleet Marine Force now and in the future places Marine Corps installations in the center of criticality and adds an emphasized demand on delivering adaptive and resilient installations, infrastructure and services. Consequently installations will continue to enhance they way they prepare for, respond to and recover from all types of hazards and threats, including destructive...
LAGO PATRIA, Italy - The change of command ceremony of Allied Joint Forces Command Naples (JFC Naples) from Adm. Robert P. Burke to Adm. Stuart B. Munsch took place at JFC Naples, Italy, June 27, 2022. The Change of Command Ceremony at JFC Naples symbolises the continuity and unity that is NATO and comes during a time of a changed security environment in Europe.