NDW takes part in the U.S. Navy Hurricane Exercise (HURREX) /Citadel Gale, April 2023. HURREX is a disaster response and recovery exercise, led by Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, and Commander, Navy Installations Command, designed to evaluate installations’ plans and procedures for personnel accountability, personnel evacuation, designating mission essential personnel, disaster...
Exercise Citadel Shield- Solid Curtain 2023 is a two-part, anti-terrorism force protection exercise that is being conducted nationwide on Navy installations, Feb. 6-17. The annual exercise is not in response to any specific threat but is used to evaluate the readiness of fleet and installation security.
The Big Red One Year of the NCO is the 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley’s program to further develop our NCO Corps and recognize their contributions, both personal and professional, to the 1st Infantry Division. The Big Red One recognizes the importance of our NCO Corps. NCO’s education, fitness and leadership development are enhanced through 1st Infantry Division initiatives and...
Agile Reaper is the 3rd Air Expeditionary Wing's effort to exercise Agile Combat Employment (ACE) and rehearse capabilities to provide air dominance, global mobility, and command/control (C2) for the INDOPACOM commander.
U.S. Army South hosted 16 partner nations from Central and South America and the Caribbean for the inaugural Army South Women, Peace, and Security Symposium at San Antonio, Texas on Feb. 22 and 23. This symposium included presentations, panel discussions, and question-and-answer sessions supporting the Women, Peace, and Security initiative. The United Nations Women, Peace, and Security...
The Australian International Aerospace and Defence Exposition and Airshow (AVALON) is the premier aerospace exhibition (airshow and tradeshow) in Australia and was started in 1992.
III Marine Expeditionary Force Support Battalion conducts their Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation during the training event Bushido Strike 23 to validate its Mission Essential Tasks to provide combat service support, security, and administrative services to III Marine Expeditionary Force, 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and III MEF Information Group.
Exercise Invincible Sentry 2023 is designed to validate Omani-U.S. crisis-response planning and strengthen staff proficiency and execution in critical mission areas using scenarios involving a simulated transnational security threat. Military-to-military engagements such as Invincible Sentry demonstrate the value of working together in unfamiliar environments and organizational...